Map View
List View
All Parishes
All Saints, Lakeville
All Saints, Minneapolis
Annunciation, Hazelwood
Annunciation, Minneapolis
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis , St. Paul
Ascension, Minneapolis
Ascension, Norwood Young America
Assumption, Richfield
Assumption, Saint Paul
Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis
Blessed Sacrament, Saint Paul
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Catholic Softball Group (Pilot)
Christ the King, Minneapolis
Corpus Christi, Saint Paul
Divine Mercy, Faribault
Epiphany, Coon Rapids
Faithful Shepherd Catholic School
Gichitwaa Kateri, Minneapolis
Good Shepherd, Golden Valley
Guardian Angels, Chaska
Guardian Angels, Oakdale
Holy Childhood, Saint Paul
Holy Cross, Minneapolis
Holy Family, Saint Louis Park
Holy Name of Jesus, Medina
Holy Name, Minneapolis
Holy Spirit, Saint Paul
Holy Trinity, Goodhue
Holy Trinity, South Saint Paul
Holy Trinity, Waterville
Immaculate Conception, Columbia Heights
Immaculate Conception, Lonsdale
Immaculate Conception, Marysburg
Immaculate Conception, Watertown
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Minnetonka
Incarnation, Minneapolis
Lumen Christi, Saint Paul
Mary Queen of Peace, Rogers
Mary, Mother of the Church, Burnsville
Maternity of Mary, Saint Paul
Most Holy Redeemer, Montgomery
Most Holy Trinity, Veseli
Nativity of Our Lord, Saint Paul
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Bloomington
Nativity, Cleveland
Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Paul
Our Lady of Lourdes, Minneapolis
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Minneapolis
Our Lady of Peace, Minneapolis
Our Lady of the Lake, Mound
Our Lady of the Prairie, Belle Plaine
Our Lady of Victory, Minneapolis
Pax Christi, Eden Prairie
Presentation of Mary, Maplewood
Risen Savior, Burnsville
Sacred Heart, Robbinsdale
Sacred Heart, Rush City
Sacred Heart, Saint Paul
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, Minneapolis
Saint Adalbert, Saint Paul
Saint Agatha, Coates
Saint Agnes, Saint Paul
Saint Albert the Great, Minneapolis
Saint Albert, Albertville
Saint Alphonsus, Brooklyn Center
Saint Ambrose, Woodbury
Saint Andrew Kim
Saint Andrew, Elysian
Saint Anne-Saint Joseph Hien, Minneapolis
Saint Anne, Hamel
Saint Anne, Le Sueur
Saint Aprobation , Fridley
Saint Bartholomew, Wayzata
Saint Bernard, Cologne
Saint Bernard, Saint Paul
Saint Bonaventure, Bloomington
Saint Boniface, Minneapolis
Saint Boniface, Saint Bonifacius
Saint Bridget of Sweden, Lindstrom
Saint Bridget, Minneapolis
Saint Casimir, Saint Paul
Saint Catherine, Spring Lake
Saint Cecilia, Saint Paul
Saint Charles Borromeo, Minneapolis
Saint Charles, Bayport
Saint Columba, Saint Paul
Saint Dominic, Northfield
Saint Edward, Bloomington
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings
Saint Example Parish, Anytown
Saint Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis
Saint Francis de Sales, Saint Paul
Saint Francis of Assisi, Lake Saint Croix Beach
Saint Francis Xavier, Franconia
Saint Francis, Buffalo
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, Hopkins
Saint Genevieve, Centerville
Saint George, Long Lake
Saint Gerard Majella, Brooklyn Park
Saint Gregory the Great, North Branch
Saint Helena, Minneapolis
Saint Henry, Monticello
Saint Henry, Saint Henry
Saint Hubert, Chanhassen
Saint Ignatius, Annandale
Saint Jerome, Maplewood
Saint Joan of Arc, Minneapolis
Saint John Neumann, Eagan
Saint John the Baptist, Dayton
Saint John the Baptist, Excelsior
Saint John the Baptist, Jordan
Saint John the Baptist, New Brighton
Saint John the Baptist, Savage
Saint John the Baptist, Vermillion
Saint John the Evangelist, Little Canada
Saint John Vianney, South Saint Paul
Saint Joseph the Worker, Maple Grove
Saint Joseph, Lino Lakes
Saint Joseph, Miesville
Saint Joseph, New Hope
Saint Joseph, Red Wing
Saint Joseph, Rosemount
Saint Joseph, Taylors Falls
Saint Joseph, Waconia
Saint Joseph, West Saint Paul
Saint Jude of the Lake, Mahtomedi
Saint Katharine Drexel, Ramsey
Saint Lawrence, Minneapolis
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, Minneapolis
Saint Louis King of France, Saint Paul
Saint Luke, Clearwater
Saint Margaret Mary, Minneapolis
Saint Mark, Saint Paul
Saint Mary of Czestochowa, Delano
Saint Mary of the Lake, Plymouth
Saint Mary of the Lake, White Bear Lake
Saint Mary, Le Center
Saint Mary, New Trier
Saint Mary, Saint Paul
Saint Mary, Stillwater
Saint Mary, Waverly
Saint Mathias, Hampton
Saint Matthew, Saint Paul
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Delano
Saint Michael, Farmington
Saint Michael, Kenyon
Saint Michael, Pine Island
Saint Michael, Prior Lake
Saint Michael, Saint Michael
Saint Michael, Stillwater
Saint Nicholas, Carver
Saint Nicholas, New Market
Saint Odilia, Shoreview
Saint Olaf, Minneapolis
Saint Pascal Baylon, Saint Paul
Saint Patrick, Cedar Creek
Saint Patrick, Edina
Saint Patrick, Inver Grove Heights
Saint Patrick, Jordan
Saint Patrick, Saint Paul
Saint Patrick, Shieldsville
Saint Paul, Ham Lake
Saint Paul, Zumbrota
Saint Peter Claver, Saint Paul
Saint Peter, Forest Lake
Saint Peter, Mendota
Saint Peter, North Saint Paul
Saint Peter, Richfield
Saint Pius V, Cannon Falls
Saint Pius X, White Bear Lake
Saint Raphael, Crystal
Saint Richard, Richfield
Saint Rita, Cottage Grove
Saint Rose of Lima, Roseville
Saint Stanislaus, Saint Paul
Saint Stephen-Holy Rosary, Minneapolis
Saint Stephen, Anoka
Saint Therese, Deephaven
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Paul Park
Saint Thomas Becket, Eagan
Saint Thomas More, Saint Paul
Saint Thomas the Apostle, Corcoran
Saint Thomas, Minneapolis
Saint Timothy, Blaine
Saint Timothy, Maple Lake
Saint Victoria, Victoria
Saint Vincent de Paul, Osseo
Saint Wenceslaus, New Prague
Saint William, Fridley
Saints Cyril and Methodius, Minneapolis
Saints Joachim and Anne, Shakopee
Saints Peter and Paul, Medina
Transfiguration, Oakdale
All Types
Co-Ed (single or married of any gender)
All Topics
Lectio Divina when not doing other content
Belief in God
Bread of Life: The Eucharist
Holy Spirit
Biblical Content
Family Life
Pursuit of Holiness
Catholic Social Doctrine
Church History
Great Adventure Bible Study (24 weeks)
Living Faith in Daily Life
Book Club
Pastor's Teaching
Prayer Content
Seven Secrets of the Eucharist.
"Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible" by Jeff Cavins
Bible History
Saint Content
Living Your Strengths
Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
HNOJ Lenten Study 2025 - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
Eucharist Bishop Barron
Walking with Purpose Bible Study
HNOJ videos based on the book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.
Bishop Barron video course
Barron Advent Book
Seasons of Hope
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory
This Is My Body
Where the Holy Spirit Leads Us
We will study Pope John Paul II writings on women's dignity
6-Week Study; Lord Teach Us How To Pray
Our Catholic Faith Journey
The Mass
Eucharistic Revival
"Jesus and the Eucharist"
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
Liturgy of the Hours
"Imitation of Christ"
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Jewish Roots of The Mass
The Mass Bishop Barron
Jesus in the Eucharist
"cherish: The One Word that changes Everything for your marrige" by Gary Th
Dr Brant Pitre on the Eucharist.
Book Study
HNOJ video materials based on the book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the E
What is the signficance of the Mass?
What does the Church teach about gender ideology?
How did Vatican II affect the liturgy?
Why does the Church call abortion the preeminent issue of our time?
Many more questions!!!
Lord Teach Us How To Pray
The Eucharist and the Mass
Virtue Development
Parenting With Faith
Parenting Teens and Tweens
Passing Your Faith To Your Kids
The Eucharist
Small Group Discussion
Introduction to Prayer by Bishop Barron
Thomas Aquinas
Prayer & Lives of the Saints
Using content from St. Pat's.
With Jesus to the Cross - Lent Sunday Readings
Bible Study
Bishop Barron
Sunday Gospel
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Lectio Divina
Service Option
Explore the parts of the Mass
Luminous mysteries of the rosary
Future topics TBD based on group interest
Prayer for persecuted Christians
Prayer for deeper belief in the Real Presence
Prayer for an increase in priestly vocations
Lenten prayer (during Lent)
(We will meet monthly after Easter except June through August)
Our topics vary from week to week; we have discussions and then also read
Varying studies – currently reading the book abide: keeping vigil with the
Prayer and the Mass
Como padres que podemos hacer para ayudar a los hijos jovenes acercarse a D
Church Fathers
Scipture Reflection
Book: Living with Real Presence Eucharist as an Approach to Life
Married Men
Ongoing Group
Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu
Mass + Eucharist
We will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month
Reasons to Believe
The Wild Goose
Formed series: The Art of Living
Looking ahead to the Sunday Readings
In the School of the Holy Spirit
Ignatian Spirituality
Marian Devotion
God is Beauty
The Flame of Love
Word on Fire: The Eucharist
We'll be using the Lenten guide provided by St. Patrick's
Eucharistic Content
Domestic Church
"Evangelization" Video Series by Chris Stefanick
Catholic HOM
Grief Support Group
Newly Weds and engaged Couples
Made for Heaven
Marian Content
Vocation as Women
Watching Wild Goose Series
Racial Equity
We can choose from many solid Catholic resources to grow our interior life
Charter for Healthcare Workers by St John Paul II
Catholic Health Care Ethics: A Manual for Practitioners
Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy conferences from the apostolate
and Curatio Apostolate of Catholic Healthcare workers here in our Archdioce
Exodus 90
The Gospel of John
Sunday readings of Lent
Listening to God's Voice
Introduction to Catholic Christianity
During Lent: "No Greater Love" by: Dr Edward Sri.
A Biblical Walk Through the Passion
Extreme Faith Camp
Divine Mercy and St. Faustina
Fiat 40
St. Faustina
The Catholic Church in America
Living the Gospel
Psalms and Scripture Readings
Discussion on Saints
Daily Bread:Discover the Eucharist in Scripture
Spirtual Warfare
Marion Apparitions
1. Beautiful Eucharist-Christmas book handout
Sharing -personal experiences
33 Days to Morning Glory
National Eucharistic Congress speaker videos
Video / workbook studies - various
ETERNAL REST from Augustine Institute
Pilgrims of Hope (with Pilgrimages to other Churches/Shrines)
Mary: A Biblical A Walk with the Blessed Mother
Reflections on the Sunday Mass Readings
G.K. Chesterton
Hilaire Belloc
J.R.R. Tolkien
Pipe Smoking
Cigar Smoking
Pipe Tobacco
Rerum Novarum
St. Bruno
St. John Vianney
St. Damian of Molokai
Pope St. Pius X
Pope St. Leo XIII
Catholic Land Movement
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Developing and growing our relation ship with Jesus.
Growing in faith and community
For Caregivers
For Couples
Divine Mercy
The Chosen
Resisting Happiness
Matthew Kelly
Beautiful Eucharist
The Screwtape Letters
Growing in Faith
Building Friendships
How to Pray series by Jeff Cavins
Centering Prayer
Saturday Gospel
Young adult women as well as adult women
eucaristía/partes de la misa
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
The Chosen Season 5
Old Testament
Most Lent groups will focus on learning more about the Mass.
Year of Mission Playbook
Walk With One
Becoming Eucharistic People
12 steps and scripture
Freedom in Christ
Endow: The Doctors of the Church & St. Hildegard of Bingen
Read the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska under the guidance of the Euchari
Social Justice
The Mass videos Barron
Clean of Heart by Rosemary Scott
6-Week Study; Lord Teach Us To Pray
God's Love
With what lense do you view the world?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Why are things clearly so screwed up in the world?
What is God doing to fix this mess?
The Life God is inviting us to live.
Lecio Divina
Eucharist by Bishop Barron
Gospel of Luke
Truth and beauty of the Mass and Eucharist
Traditional Catholic Prayers
Lent: Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
National Eucharistic Congress Talks
Papal Homilies
During Lent listening to talks provided by Fr Rolf Tollefson
"Live no Lives" by John Mark Comer
Book of Colossians
6 week study
Eucharistic Congress Speakers
Our group will be using the content provided by St. Patrick's focusing on L
African Families
African Seniors
Our Catholic Faith
Embracing Chan
Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist
What We Believe: The Beaty of the Catholic Faith (Ascension)
Pretty Good Catholic
Encountering Emmanuel
The Catholic Parent
Praying for and parenting young adults currently not practicing their Faith
bible in a year
Consecration to St. Joseph
Modern Life
Pastoral Letter
Archbishop Hebda syond vision
The Holy Spirit
We will be using RENEW International Open Our Hearts Lenten series
spiritual growth
Created to Relate by Kelly Wahlquist
Spiritual journey
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
God's Covenant
Prayer and The Saints: Our Personal Friends and Teachers
Bible Study. Summer '24 topic is "Bread of Life" (Jesus' teachings on the E
Lord Teach Me to Pray
Wisdom from Women in Scripture - 7 Week Bible Study
Scripture regarding Eucharist
What is our mission?
How are we called?
How do we turn to God and one another?
How are we being transformed?
How do we provide for others?
In what ways do we show our gratitude?
Bible Studies
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Catholic Daily Reflections
Trust in God's Care
TBD on the Eucharist
All Times
All Locations
On Campus
All Days
All Life Stages
Any adult
High School Youth
Middle School Youth
Parents of Middle or High School Children
Parents of Young Children
Young adults
We'd love to help you find a small group
Fill out this form and one of our staff will be happy to lend you a hand.
Select a parish
All Saints, Lakeville
All Saints, Minneapolis
Annunciation, Hazelwood
Annunciation, Minneapolis
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis , St. Paul
Ascension, Minneapolis
Ascension, Norwood Young America
Assumption, Richfield
Assumption, Saint Paul
Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis
Blessed Sacrament, Saint Paul
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Catholic Softball Group (Pilot)
Christ the King, Minneapolis
Corpus Christi, Saint Paul
Divine Mercy, Faribault
Epiphany, Coon Rapids
Faithful Shepherd Catholic School
Gichitwaa Kateri, Minneapolis
Good Shepherd, Golden Valley
Guardian Angels, Chaska
Guardian Angels, Oakdale
Holy Childhood, Saint Paul
Holy Cross, Minneapolis
Holy Family, Saint Louis Park
Holy Name of Jesus, Medina
Holy Name, Minneapolis
Holy Spirit, Saint Paul
Holy Trinity, Goodhue
Holy Trinity, South Saint Paul
Holy Trinity, Waterville
Immaculate Conception, Columbia Heights
Immaculate Conception, Lonsdale
Immaculate Conception, Marysburg
Immaculate Conception, Watertown
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Minnetonka
Incarnation, Minneapolis
Lumen Christi, Saint Paul
Mary Queen of Peace, Rogers
Mary, Mother of the Church, Burnsville
Maternity of Mary, Saint Paul
Most Holy Redeemer, Montgomery
Most Holy Trinity, Veseli
Nativity of Our Lord, Saint Paul
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Bloomington
Nativity, Cleveland
Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Paul
Our Lady of Lourdes, Minneapolis
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Minneapolis
Our Lady of Peace, Minneapolis
Our Lady of the Lake, Mound
Our Lady of the Prairie, Belle Plaine
Our Lady of Victory, Minneapolis
Pax Christi, Eden Prairie
Presentation of Mary, Maplewood
Risen Savior, Burnsville
Sacred Heart, Robbinsdale
Sacred Heart, Rush City
Sacred Heart, Saint Paul
Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, Minneapolis
Saint Adalbert, Saint Paul
Saint Agatha, Coates
Saint Agnes, Saint Paul
Saint Albert the Great, Minneapolis
Saint Albert, Albertville
Saint Alphonsus, Brooklyn Center
Saint Ambrose, Woodbury
Saint Andrew Kim
Saint Andrew, Elysian
Saint Anne-Saint Joseph Hien, Minneapolis
Saint Anne, Hamel
Saint Anne, Le Sueur
Saint Aprobation , Fridley
Saint Bartholomew, Wayzata
Saint Bernard, Cologne
Saint Bernard, Saint Paul
Saint Bonaventure, Bloomington
Saint Boniface, Minneapolis
Saint Boniface, Saint Bonifacius
Saint Bridget of Sweden, Lindstrom
Saint Bridget, Minneapolis
Saint Casimir, Saint Paul
Saint Catherine, Spring Lake
Saint Cecilia, Saint Paul
Saint Charles Borromeo, Minneapolis
Saint Charles, Bayport
Saint Columba, Saint Paul
Saint Dominic, Northfield
Saint Edward, Bloomington
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings
Saint Example Parish, Anytown
Saint Frances Cabrini, Minneapolis
Saint Francis de Sales, Saint Paul
Saint Francis of Assisi, Lake Saint Croix Beach
Saint Francis Xavier, Franconia
Saint Francis, Buffalo
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, Hopkins
Saint Genevieve, Centerville
Saint George, Long Lake
Saint Gerard Majella, Brooklyn Park
Saint Gregory the Great, North Branch
Saint Helena, Minneapolis
Saint Henry, Monticello
Saint Henry, Saint Henry
Saint Hubert, Chanhassen
Saint Ignatius, Annandale
Saint Jerome, Maplewood
Saint Joan of Arc, Minneapolis
Saint John Neumann, Eagan
Saint John the Baptist, Dayton
Saint John the Baptist, Excelsior
Saint John the Baptist, Jordan
Saint John the Baptist, New Brighton
Saint John the Baptist, Savage
Saint John the Baptist, Vermillion
Saint John the Evangelist, Little Canada
Saint John Vianney, South Saint Paul
Saint Joseph the Worker, Maple Grove
Saint Joseph, Lino Lakes
Saint Joseph, Miesville
Saint Joseph, New Hope
Saint Joseph, Red Wing
Saint Joseph, Rosemount
Saint Joseph, Taylors Falls
Saint Joseph, Waconia
Saint Joseph, West Saint Paul
Saint Jude of the Lake, Mahtomedi
Saint Katharine Drexel, Ramsey
Saint Lawrence, Minneapolis
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, Minneapolis
Saint Louis King of France, Saint Paul
Saint Luke, Clearwater
Saint Margaret Mary, Minneapolis
Saint Mark, Saint Paul
Saint Mary of Czestochowa, Delano
Saint Mary of the Lake, Plymouth
Saint Mary of the Lake, White Bear Lake
Saint Mary, Le Center
Saint Mary, New Trier
Saint Mary, Saint Paul
Saint Mary, Stillwater
Saint Mary, Waverly
Saint Mathias, Hampton
Saint Matthew, Saint Paul
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Delano
Saint Michael, Farmington
Saint Michael, Kenyon
Saint Michael, Pine Island
Saint Michael, Prior Lake
Saint Michael, Saint Michael
Saint Michael, Stillwater
Saint Nicholas, Carver
Saint Nicholas, New Market
Saint Odilia, Shoreview
Saint Olaf, Minneapolis
Saint Pascal Baylon, Saint Paul
Saint Patrick, Cedar Creek
Saint Patrick, Edina
Saint Patrick, Inver Grove Heights
Saint Patrick, Jordan
Saint Patrick, Saint Paul
Saint Patrick, Shieldsville
Saint Paul, Ham Lake
Saint Paul, Zumbrota
Saint Peter Claver, Saint Paul
Saint Peter, Forest Lake
Saint Peter, Mendota
Saint Peter, North Saint Paul
Saint Peter, Richfield
Saint Pius V, Cannon Falls
Saint Pius X, White Bear Lake
Saint Raphael, Crystal
Saint Richard, Richfield
Saint Rita, Cottage Grove
Saint Rose of Lima, Roseville
Saint Stanislaus, Saint Paul
Saint Stephen-Holy Rosary, Minneapolis
Saint Stephen, Anoka
Saint Therese, Deephaven
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Paul Park
Saint Thomas Becket, Eagan
Saint Thomas More, Saint Paul
Saint Thomas the Apostle, Corcoran
Saint Thomas, Minneapolis
Saint Timothy, Blaine
Saint Timothy, Maple Lake
Saint Victoria, Victoria
Saint Vincent de Paul, Osseo
Saint Wenceslaus, New Prague
Saint William, Fridley
Saints Cyril and Methodius, Minneapolis
Saints Joachim and Anne, Shakopee
Saints Peter and Paul, Medina
Transfiguration, Oakdale
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